Welcome to CPC!

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is the new name of our English ministry and congregation.

Historically, since 1910, we have served Toronto’s Chinese community as Chinese Presbyterian Church. Our Chinese ministry and congregation continue to serve Chinatown by that name. In order to better reflect and grow our multi-ethnic identity and mission, we’re striding into the future as Cornerstone Church, located on the corner of Beverley and Baldwin.

CPC is partnered with Cornerstone School and Cornerstone Community Center. Together, we seek to be Christ’s light in Baldwin Village.

We’d love for you to visit and become part of our growing community!


Join us on Sundays

Come in person or participate in the online experience


CPC is located at 177 Beverley St, Toronto, ON
11:30 AM on Sundays
Livestream can be found at torontocpc.online.church
After service fellowship ZOOM Room
(# 416 977 5625 pw torontocpc)
Download the bulletin at bit.ly/cpcbulletin

10:00AM Cantonese Service in-person or Join WebEx meeting 132 134 0153
or to join by Phone (please contact communication@torontocpc.com for details)