Volunteer Sunday

A few weeks ago we held a Volunteer Sunday event to focus on the many opportunities at CPC to serve God with the gifts and abilities that He gave us.

It was fun to see all the ministry leaders setting up their booths in the morning and comparing displays!

If you are interested in volunteering at CPC, here is a list of ministries that need your help. And we also have some immediate opportunities available. You can also just click on the Get Involved tab at the top of this site for more information.

Thanks for serving with us!

Summer Retreat at Sherkston Shores

CPC Summer Retreat

In August, many CPCers went up to Sherkston Shores for what is now becoming our annual Summer Retreat!

The retreat's purpose is to allow CPC members and friends to escape the grind of life and enjoy time together in fellowship and alone with God.  So, there is lots of free time to enjoy the facilities and outdoor activities.

Here were some lessons that were learned that weekend:
"I learned about the importance of flexibility.  We often need to be willing to change our plans when God does not do what we expect.  It rained on our Sunday worship service (we held it outdoors).  But we were able to worship in spite of the rain, and it quickly cleared." ~Pastor Tom Eng

"No matter how busy your week is, finding the time to spend with God is priceless and he will give you peace in your heart to continue on." ~Dickie Lee

And some favourite memories:
"My most memorable moments include walking along the entire length of the Sherkston Shores beach (about 3 miles) enjoying God's creation and talking to Him." ~Pastor Tom Eng

"My favourite memory is alwaysmaking new friends and fellowship with other Christians." ~Dickie Lee

We hope that you will join us next year!

See below for some photos from the Retreat! (Photos courtesy of Dickie Lee)Sherkston Shores1

Sid sharing


Sherkston Shores3

Easter Services


Please join us as we celebrate Easter!

Friday, March 21st

Good Friday Service
11:00AM: Sanctuary
A service of word and music as we reflect on Jesus' death.

Sunday, March 23rd

Sunrise Service
8:00AM: Sanctuary
A celebration of His resurrection.
There will be a breakfast served afterwards in the Gym.

Easter Service
11:00AM: Sanctuary (Chinese service)/Gymnasium (English Service)
Our regular Sunday Gathering.

photo courtesy of arbyreed from flickr