Announcing a new course with Rick Tobias

From Compassion to Inclusion: Calling our Church to meaningful engagement with the poor and other excluded Peoples.
Mr. Rick Tobias, Community Advocate for Yonge Street Mission, will be teaching us on the following Sundays in 2014 starting at 1:15 PM:
Jan. 5
Grace, Gratitude and Generosity; Foundational Values for Ministry. 
Jan. 12
Love Redefined and Refocused; Lets stop shooting ourselves in the Foot. 
Jan. 19
From Moses to James; from Compassion to Inclusion.
Feb. 2
Towards a Biblical Perspective on Poverty; It's not what you think.
Feb. 9
From Scripture to 21 Century Ministry Models. Everything really, really old could just be new again. 
Feb. 16
Whose Ministry is it Anyway; What if we actually succeed?
Plan to join us for these six exciting classes together. Pray for God to prepare our hearts to learn from Rick. Invite your friends to come and join us.
For more information please contact


Sunrise Service

Easter Sunrise Service will be held at the CNE, on the south east steps of the Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex, on 25 British Columbia Road. The service will begin at 7:30AM.

Current weather forecast calls for cloudy conditions and a temperature of 3° C. Please check back here for final updates. In case of rain, we will hold the service in the church sanctuary.


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Easter Sunrise Service: updated

UPDATE: The weather is cooperating, so we will be having sunrise service outdoors at the CNE grounds. See you there!

Easter Sunrise Service will be at 7:30AM on Sunday. The weather forecast is looking like it won't be raining, but check this space for any last minute announcements. You can also follow us on twitter @torontocpc for the latest news.

Bring a blanket to sit on, a warm drink for your insides, and dress for the weather, as we will be outdoors for the entire service (about 40 minutes). Afterwards we will head back to CPC for breakfast in the gym.

Location: Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex, south steps

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