Christmas Eve Celebrations
You're invited to the annual Community Christmas Party on Saturday December 14th at 11:00AM in the Gym. To register for the event, please visit Eventbrite and pick up your free tickets today!
Launching on October 5th, come join us as we journey together through TRANSFORMED by Rick Warren in our small groups.
For more information, attend our launch at 11:00AM in the gym on Sunday October 5th
Or contact Sid Ingham to learn how to get connected to a small group and participate in this campaign.
Jan. 5
Grace, Gratitude and Generosity; Foundational Values for Ministry.
Jan. 12
Love Redefined and Refocused; Lets stop shooting ourselves in the Foot.
Jan. 19
From Moses to James; from Compassion to Inclusion.
Feb. 2
Towards a Biblical Perspective on Poverty; It's not what you think.
Feb. 9
From Scripture to 21 Century Ministry Models. Everything really, really old could just be new again.
Feb. 16
Whose Ministry is it Anyway; What if we actually succeed?
Easter Sunrise Service will be held at the CNE, on the south east steps of the Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex, on 25 British Columbia Road. The service will begin at 7:30AM.
Current weather forecast calls for cloudy conditions and a temperature of 3° C. Please check back here for final updates. In case of rain, we will hold the service in the church sanctuary.
Good Friday Service - 11:00AM in the Sanctuary for a combined English - Cantonese service
Sunrise Service - 7:30AM at the CNE on the steps of the Liberty Grand Building, weather permitting
Easter Sunday Service - 11:00AM in both the Gym (English) and the Sanctuary (Cantonese)
177 Beverley St, Toronto, ON
11:30 AM Sunday In-Person
Livestream can be found at
After service fellowship
# 416 977 5625 pw torontocpc
Bulletin download
10:00AM Cantonese Service in-person or Join WebEx meeting 132 134 0153
or by Phone (please contact
for details)