Lent: An Invitation

The season of Lent is a time for us to reflect on our spiritual journey, and a chance to practice the spiritual discipline of fasting. Just as Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days, Lent affords us that same opportunity to give up something in order that we might rely on God more.

Something that's more traditional to give up for Lent is food, whether it be sweets or chocolate, or coffee. The point is to choose something that won't be too easy for you, otherwise there's no real challenge, is there? If you're choosing a food related item, make it something that you'll notice each time.

Another suggestion might be a negative behaviour that you want to give up. Maybe now would be a good time to give up smoking, or maybe swearing is a problem for you. Perhaps you could refrain from using your smartphone at mealtime. All of these would be great candidates to give up for Lent, and even beyond!

Finally, another suggestion would be to consider giving up some form of leisure or entertainment activities. Video games, watching TV, checking social media, Facebook, Youtube... any one of these could be given up during the season of Lent. Ironically, you're reading this online right now, but it's still worthwhile to consider giving it up.

Whatever you decide, remember: we are not trying to punish ourselves, nor do we want to become legalistic about it

Simply use the fast as a way to help you to live a more disciplined life, and to help us focus our attention more on God.


Connect with us

Well, it's 2014, and we're well into our new year here at Chinese Presbyterian Church. I just wanted to let you know the various ways you can get connected with us.

We have a Google+ page where you'll find the latest sermon videos, a facebook page, and we're also on twitter @torontocpc. Leave us a like or a +1 if something resonates with you.

Of course you'll still be able to get announcements and more detailed information about our church here at www.torontocpc.com.

Thanks for visiting, and we hope that we can journey togther with you!

Announcing a new course with Rick Tobias

From Compassion to Inclusion: Calling our Church to meaningful engagement with the poor and other excluded Peoples.
Mr. Rick Tobias, Community Advocate for Yonge Street Mission, will be teaching us on the following Sundays in 2014 starting at 1:15 PM:
Jan. 5
Grace, Gratitude and Generosity; Foundational Values for Ministry. 
Jan. 12
Love Redefined and Refocused; Lets stop shooting ourselves in the Foot. 
Jan. 19
From Moses to James; from Compassion to Inclusion.
Feb. 2
Towards a Biblical Perspective on Poverty; It's not what you think.
Feb. 9
From Scripture to 21 Century Ministry Models. Everything really, really old could just be new again. 
Feb. 16
Whose Ministry is it Anyway; What if we actually succeed?
Plan to join us for these six exciting classes together. Pray for God to prepare our hearts to learn from Rick. Invite your friends to come and join us.
For more information please contact office@torontocpc.com.