Pentecost Sunday - Communion Service on ZOOM

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Pentecost Sunday

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
(Acts 2:1-3)

Get ready to celebrate Communion on Sunday!


Service will stream at 11:00 AM online and then…


We will be joining together on a Video Call using ZOOM on Sunday after the video portion of the service has concluded, to celebrate communion together at the same time. Pastor Hilkka will lead us. Please prepare some grape juice and bread or crackers at home to be used as communion elements.

CPC Communion Service

Meeting room will be open at the end of service on Sunday May 31st
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 759 4494 0791
Password: communion

Are you following us on Instagram?
Check us @torontocpc

Join the torontocpc Community on Discord

In One Accord on Discord

Here’s a link to sign up for access to the torontocpc community Discord server

Some of the things that we’re doing on Discord include:

Wednesday 7:30pm-9:00pm : Growing in Prayer - Prayer Course

Sunday Morning: 10am Soul Care Foundations

See you online!

Streaming Sunday Service - Ascension Sunday May 24 2020

Welcome to Chinese Presbyterian Church

Our Streaming Sunday Service airs at 11AM every Sunday!

Please join us after the service today on ZOOM for a chat, we would love to connect!

Room # and password will be posted on our Discord server at the end of service, but it will be the same as last week.

Today is Ascension Sunday! Pastor Hilkka shares a message called “Wait… What? You’re Leaving? Departures & Arrivals”

The readings for today’s service can be downloaded here.

Streaming Sunday Service - May 17 2020

Welcome to CPC

Join us at 11:00AM for our Sunday Service online!

Let’s sing together, read the Scripture, pray, and be enriched as Pastor Hilkka shares a message entitled “Pursue Jesus Pursue Love”.

The prayers and readings used in the service today can be downloaded here.

Join us for 30 min after the service on ZOOM for “Coffee Time” Meeting details can be seen onscreen at the end of the service. If ZOOM isn’t working, our torontocpc Discord server will be happy to receive you and we will meet there instead! Not yet a member? email for an invite!

Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi - Director of Family Ministries
Eugene Huo - Director of Worship
Nancy Ng, Kevin Leung, Eric Yu, Naomi Cheung, Tony Lai, Iris Eom

Subscribe to our youtube channel

Streaming Sunday Service - May 10 2020 - Happy Mother's Day

Welcome to CPC and Happy Mother’s Day

Join us at 11:00AM for our Mother’s Day service online!

We will sing together, read the Scripture, and Pastor Hilkka will share a message entitled “Parenting, Fridges, and Loving God”. And a special presentation from our children too!

The prayers and readings used in the service today can be downloaded in PDF format here.

Join us for 30 min after the service on ZOOM for “Coffee Time”! Meeting details can be seen onscreen at the end of the service.

Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi - Director of Family Ministries
Eugene Huo - Director of Worship
Gizelle Lau, Matthew Mark, Kevin Leung, Shirley Hui, CPC Children

Subscribe to our youtube channel