CPC - Services For Holy Week April 2021

Holy Week April 1st - 4th, 2021

Maundy Thursday - 7:00PM

Good Friday - 3:00PM (11AM for Cantonese Service)

Sunrise Service 8:00AM

Easter Sunday @ 11:00AM

The bulletin can be downloaded here

Note: All English language services will be held on ZOOM

Join us for the service on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: torontocpc
Room will be open at 10:45AM

Or Join by Phone:
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: 4703591748
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/avAyfMBf6

An edited video of selected services will be posted on our youtube channel


Sunday March 28 - Palm Sunday

Communion Sunday @ 11:00 am on ZOOM
Palm Sunday
Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi

Join us for the service on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: torontocpc
Room will be open at 10:45AM

Or Join by Phone:
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: 4703591748
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/avAyfMBf6

The Order of Service including Readings, Prayers, Announcements and Children's Activity Pages can be downloaded here.

An edited video of the service will be posted on our youtube channel


Reminder to Prepare Your Palm Leaf

We will have Communion on Palm Sunday. Here are some activities for everyone as we approach Palm Sunday: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y6Wyv4oslRINhe_Sf5qJO0kND6aIfM12?usp=sharing

Sunday March 21st, 2021 - Mary Lee

Sunday March 21st, 2021

This Sunday @ 11:00 am on ZOOM
His Faithfulness Never Fails
Elder Mary Lee

Join us for the service on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: torontocpc
Room will be open at 10:45AM

Or Join by Phone:
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: 4703591748
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/avAyfMBf6

The Order of Service including Readings, Prayers, Announcements and Children's Activity Pages can be downloaded here.



We welcome Elder Mary Lee to Preach for the Call this Sunday

The congregational vote will take place by email, phone call, or regular mail, March 21–28 week.

2021 CPC Budget Review is This Saturday - 10:00AM

The Webex login is here. If you have any questions or require the handout, please email Church office (office@torontocpc.com)

CPC Annual General Meeting is This Sunday - 1:00PM

The Webex login can be found here. If you have any questions or require the handout, please email Church office (office@torontocpc.com)

Sunday March 7th, 2021 - Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi

Sunday March 7th, 2021

This Sunday @ 11:00 am on ZOOM
Matthew 7:24-29 - Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi

Join us for the service on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: torontocpc
Room will be open at 10:45AM

Or Join by Phone:
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: 4703591748
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/avAyfMBf6

The Order of Service including Readings, Prayers, Announcements and Children's Activity Pages can be downloaded here.