Blue Christmas - Service of Light & Hope - Dec. 12 7:00PM

Blue Christmas Service of Light & Hope December 12th @ 7:00 PM

Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi

CPC invites you to a special service especially for those who would like time for quiet reflection and those for whom the holidays might be challenging. If you have undergone a difficult loss, transition, or life change, the church cares about you and invites you to a time of reflection, readings, music and candlelight.

Join us online or in the Sanctuary. If you wish, feel free to have a candle ready to light at home during the service.

To join us in person please register at

or tune in to the service livestream at

Townhall #2 on Human Sexuality

Rev. Alan Goh is hosting a series of 4 Town Hall Meetings to discuss and inform regarding Human Sexuality and the recent decision by the Presbyterian Church in Canada on matters pertaining to LGBTQi persons.

Full information on these decisions can be found at The Presbyterian Church in Canada website.

The first Town Hall was held on October 24th, 2021. After today’s meeting, subsequent sessions are scheduled for: Jan 23, 2022; Feb 27, 2022.

You can join the Townhall on WebEx - Meeting no. 132 134 0153 today at 2:00PM