CPC Sunday Service - February 7th 2021 - Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi

Sunday February 7th, 2021

This Sunday @ 11:00 am on ZOOM
Loving the Unlovely
Matthew 5:38-48 - Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi

Join us for the service on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: torontocpc
Room will be open at 10:45AM

Or Join by Phone:
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: 4703591748
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/avAyfMBf6

The Order of Service including Readings, Prayers, Announcements and Children's Activity Pages can be downloaded here.

An edited video of the service will be posted on our youtube channel


CPC Sunday Service - Recorded January 31st 2021 - Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi

Welcome to CPC!

11AM Sunday services live on ZOOM

Edited and posted here by Sunday Evening ET or on our YouTube Channel - www.youtube.com/torontocpc

This week Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi shares a message on relationships / marriage in the context of Matthew 5:27-37

The Order of Service, with readings, prayers, and kids activity pages can be downloaded here.

Sunday January 24th 2021



Search Committee - Letter to the Congregation - Preaching for the Call

There is a Meet and Greet with Rev. Dr. Alan Goh on CPC WebEx from 11am-12noon on Saturday, January 23rd. He will be preaching for the call on Sunday, January 24th in the Cantonese service at 10am and in the English Service at 11am.
A full Letter to the Congregation, including important dates in the process, and a biography of Rev. Alan Goh, can be found here.
A Congregational voting form will come online during the week following Rev. Alan Goh's preaching for the call. Details to follow.

Search Committee - Letter to the Congregation

Dear Friends; 

We are pleased to announce that the Rev. Dr. Alan Goh has been invited, by the Session of the congregation, to preach for the call on Sunday January 24, 2021.

As many of you know, the Search Committee has been working diligently, for over a year, in seeking a candidate to be called into ministry at CPC.   Over that period of time, they have had the opportunity to interview a number of candidates for the position, both in person and by videoconference during the recent closures.  Their recommendation of Rev. Goh is the result of this search process.

There is a Meet and Greet with Rev. Dr. Alan Goh on CPC WebEx from 11am-12noon on Saturday, January 23rd. He will be preaching for the call on Sunday, January 24th in the Cantonese service at 10am and in the English Service at 11am.

The full Letter to the Congregation, including important dates in the process, and a biography of Rev. Alan Goh, can be found here.

Update for Sunday Services in 2021

A Move To ZOOM

We've experienced three live online services and have decided to continue them until further notice. They build connection and personal interaction as we see, speak and listen to one another. It also reduces the workload for those receiving, editing and uploading the videos. Nevertheless, there will still be a video posted to the CPC Youtube Channel later on Sundays. www.youtube.com/torontocpc

Additionally, there will be an important announcement this Sunday from the Search Committee regarding new developments and upcoming events. We hope that you can join us!

Sunday January 10th, 2021

This Sunday @ 11:00 am on ZOOM
Sermon on the Mount "Beautiful Actions"
Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi

Join us for the service on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 416 977 5625
Passcode: torontocpc
Room will be open at 10:45AM