Sunday January 30th, 2022 - Rev Alan Goh
/Sunday January 30th, 2022
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany @ 11:30 AM
Communion Sunday
"What should Naomi do with Her Bitterness?"
Ruth 1:3-21
Rev. Dr. Alan Goh
Sunday January 30th, 2022
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany @ 11:30 AM
Communion Sunday
"What should Naomi do with Her Bitterness?"
Ruth 1:3-21
Rev. Dr. Alan Goh
Third Townhall Meeting - This Sunday, Jan 23 at 2:00pm
As a result of our denomination (the PCC) adopting a new definition of Christian marriage and permitting the ordination of LGBTQI teaching and ruling elders, all congregations are encouraged to study the issues and the implications of this change in church doctrine and polity. This third Townhall meeting on Webex will inform and educate on the progressive view.
CPC Webex Link:
Join by Phone: 647-484-1598
Access code: 132 134 0153
Third Sunday after Epiphany @ 11:30 AM
"Planning on having an Elimelek year?"
Ruth 1:1-5
Rev. Dr. Alan Goh
Second Sunday after Epiphany @ 11:30 AM
Matthew 1:18-25
Ms. Laura Barron
Join us on ZOOM at 11:30AM
The Order of Service including Readings, Prayers, Announcements and Children's Activity Pages can be downloaded here.
2022 CPC Teaching Theme - Becoming an Encouraging Church
The 2022 church-wide Teaching Theme, Becoming an Encouraging Church, is from Hebrews 10:24, 25: And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
On the first Sunday of each month, Pastor Alan will preach on this theme in both the Cantonese and English services.
First Sunday after Epiphany @ 11:30 AM
"God's Story: My Story: Our Story: Strangers in a Strange Land"
Esther 4:12-14
Mr. Tony Lai
The Order of Service including Readings, Prayers, Announcements and Children's Activity Pages can be downloaded here.
Following Jesus in the new normal!
Matthew 2:1-18
Rev. Dr. Alan Goh
Our service will be held exclusively on ZOOM until further notice.
Room # 416 977 5625
pw torontocpc
Direct Link to ZOOM Room click here
Services for both Cantonese and English Congregations have been moved online as of December 20th 2021
Please join our 10:00AM Cantonese service on Webex Meeting No. 132 134 0153
Our English service is at 11:30 and meets on ZOOM Room No. 416 977 5625 (pw - torontocpc)
177 Beverley St, Toronto, ON
11:30 AM Sunday In-Person
Livestream can be found at
After service fellowship
# 416 977 5625 pw torontocpc
Bulletin download
10:00AM Cantonese Service in-person or Join WebEx meeting 132 134 0153
or by Phone (please contact
for details)