CPC Streaming Sunday Service - March 29 2020

Services Video is also available on youtube.com/torontocpc

Welcome to Chinese Presbyterian Church!

Sunday Service is streaming online at 11:00AM as we practice Social Distancing, but Spiritual Togetherness!

Today Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi shares a message entitled “Trust God One Day At A Time”

Join us for 30 min after the service on Discord for “Coffee Time” in the General Voice Channel!

Songs: How Can I Keep From Singing, King of Kings, Be Thou My Vision, This I Believe (The Creed)
Scripture Readings: Psalm 130, Isaiah 40:25-31, Matthew 6:19-34

Download the Service Liturgy

Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi - Director of Family Ministries
Eugene Huo - Director of Worship
Gizelle Lau, Matt Mark, Janice Tsui - Lay Leaders

Subscribe to our youtube channel www.youtube.com/torontocpc

Join our church on Discord

In One Accord on Discord (feel free to join any or all):

We will make adjustments to the schedule as we go, but for this week, we will be hosting the following events on our Discord server (https://discord.gg/W6b7yxk)

Tuesday Morning: 7:30am & 8:30am Devotional / Prayer 15 minutes

Tuesday Evening: 8:30pm Devotional / Prayer

Wednesday 7:30pm-9:00pm : Growing in Prayer


Thursday Morning: 7:30am & 8:30 am Devotional / Prayer 15 minutes

Sunday Morning: 10am Soul Care Foundations


CPC Sunday Streaming Service - 11:00AM March 22, 2020

This stream is also available on YouTube at www.youtube.com/torontocpc

Welcome to Chinese Presbyterian Church!

Sunday Service is streaming online at 11:00AM as we practice Social Distancing, but Spiritual Togetherness!

Today Dr. Stephen Farris shares a message on Psalm 23.

Songs: Your Name, Way Maker, Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Scripture Readings: Psalm 23, Ephesians 5:8-14

Download the Service Liturgy

Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi - Director of Family Ministries
Eugene Huo - Director of Worship

Subscribe to our youtube channel www.youtube.com/torontocpc

CPC Update - meetings and closures

Dear friends,

In this time of crisis, we called upon to make choices that are for the good of all around us. We love our neighbour by being a good neighbour. 

Like many other churches and places of worship, we will be ceasing all in-person meetings and gatherings effective immediately. This applies to Sunday Services, small groups, prayer meetings, fellowships, and classes. We are making this decision in accordance with directives from the Toronto Chief Medical Officer of Health and Health Ontario. The church building will be closed to all groups and activities. In order to stop the spread of the coronavirus, we all must do our part to stay at home.

The recommendations from our Chief Medical Officer Dr. de Villa are as follows:

  • Avoiding contact with others

  • Keeping at least six feet apart from other people

  • Staying home and only going out for the absolute essential needs like food and medicine

  • Not having people over to your home

  • Working from home

  • Helping employees to stay home and to work from home

  • Doing your grocery shopping online or have someone else do it for you if necessary

While we are unable to meet in person, meetings will be taking place online. Please stay tuned for specific announcements from your group coordinators. For now, we have created an online channel using the Discord service, which will allow message groups and voice chat of up to 50 users. Please sign up for that. This link will give you access to that group. https://discord.gg/THfUD9d

We will be using our TorontoCPC Facebook group and our main site www.torontocpc.com to deliver timely information, and answer questions. If you have specific technical questions you can reach out to Eugene Huo at eugene.huo@torontocpc.com.

May the Lord bless you, and keep you, and make His face shine upon you, and grant you Peace.

- EH

Sunday Services

Sunday Services

For the time being we will proceed with our Sunday Services at their usual time and place. However, we are introducing additional precautions following guidelines from Public Health and the Presbyterian Church in Canada. These include social distancing, sitting 2m apart, refraining from physical contact, the suspending of serving refreshments, and no Kids Sunday school or Nursery.

For those who wish to opt out of attending in person, we will be livestreaming the service at youtube.com/torontocpc

This was a difficult decision to make, and was reached after much discussion and prayerful consideration. It is an unprecedented situation, and as it is moving quickly we will continue to monitor the situation each week and respond accordingly.

Blue Christmas Service - December 15th 7:00PM

Blue Christmas.jpg

This gentle, contemplative service is for those who may need quiet space for reflection or for those who may not feel particularly “merry” or “bright.”

Christmas can be a difficult time of year for many reasons.

The memory of a loved one no longer with us,
the weariness of ill health, the anguish of broken relationships,
the insecurity of unemployment, the pain of distance or isolation…

All these can make us feel very alone in the midst of those who are joyfully celebrating.
Through songs, readings, prayers and candle lighting,
this service offers sacred space to acknowledge and honour our feelings
and to know that we are not alone..
Come for yourself or to honour someone…
and consider inviting someone who may need encouragement at this time of year.
All are warmly welcomed to join us this Sunday December 15th at 7pm