CPC Update - meetings and closures

Dear friends,

In this time of crisis, we called upon to make choices that are for the good of all around us. We love our neighbour by being a good neighbour. 

Like many other churches and places of worship, we will be ceasing all in-person meetings and gatherings effective immediately. This applies to Sunday Services, small groups, prayer meetings, fellowships, and classes. We are making this decision in accordance with directives from the Toronto Chief Medical Officer of Health and Health Ontario. The church building will be closed to all groups and activities. In order to stop the spread of the coronavirus, we all must do our part to stay at home.

The recommendations from our Chief Medical Officer Dr. de Villa are as follows:

  • Avoiding contact with others

  • Keeping at least six feet apart from other people

  • Staying home and only going out for the absolute essential needs like food and medicine

  • Not having people over to your home

  • Working from home

  • Helping employees to stay home and to work from home

  • Doing your grocery shopping online or have someone else do it for you if necessary

While we are unable to meet in person, meetings will be taking place online. Please stay tuned for specific announcements from your group coordinators. For now, we have created an online channel using the Discord service, which will allow message groups and voice chat of up to 50 users. Please sign up for that. This link will give you access to that group. https://discord.gg/THfUD9d

We will be using our TorontoCPC Facebook group and our main site www.torontocpc.com to deliver timely information, and answer questions. If you have specific technical questions you can reach out to Eugene Huo at eugene.huo@torontocpc.com.

May the Lord bless you, and keep you, and make His face shine upon you, and grant you Peace.

- EH