Toronto CPC Congregation Check-In - COVID-19 and Reopening


The health and safety of our congregation is very important to us. Our leadership team is closely monitoring the course of the pandemic. At the present time, we are looking towards September as a potential re-opening date and will continue meeting virtually as the province gradually loosens restrictions on gatherings. We will keep everyone updated.

In order to make informed decisions, this survey will help us understand our community's needs and thoughts about the idea of resuming on-site gatherings in the future. We want to hear from you.

Streaming Sunday Service - June 28th 2020

Welcome to CPC

Service Stream begins at 11AM on Sundays!

This week Rev. Hilkka continues to look at Ephesians with a message entitled "Slaves and Masters: Mutual Submission?" Following the streaming portion of the service we will be holding a Communion Service live on ZOOM, all are welcome to join.

ZOOM Communion Service directly after the streaming service ends.

CPC Communion Service

Meeting ID: 415 802 3620 Password: communion

Streaming Sunday Service For Father's Day - June 21 2020

Happy Father's Day!

Welcome to Chinese Presbyterian Church!

Service video airs at 11AM on Sunday

Join us this week as Rev. Hilkka Aavasalmi shares a message called "Mutual Submission: Parents & Children"

Please join us after the service today on ZOOM for a chat, we would love to connect! Room # and password will be on screen at the end of service.

To sign up for Discord, register for a free account at, and then follow this link for an invite to our torontocpc server.

COVID-19 Update

As the province of Ontario continues to update its guidance for Places of Worship, please know that we are monitoring the situation closely. You may have read that Places of Worship are allowed to open in Ontario as part of Stage 2 of reopening, with various restrictions. The safety of our members is very important to us, and a cautious approach is warranted. At this time we will be continuing our virtual meetings and streaming services as we have been doing, whilst we plan for the future. Please stay tuned for more updates to come. Thank you.