Is God Absent?

Where is God when it hurts? When we ask this question, in the light of a seemingly absentee God, the answer seems to be an unthinkable “nowhere”. But in the light of the Ascended Christ, the question is not, “Where is God?” but “Where are we when it hurts? Where is the church when it hurts?”

Listen in as Eugene Huo explores the implications of Jesus' Ascension as we continue our series on Philip Yancey's book "The Jesus I Never Knew".

Two Destinies

Two men facing the same situation go in two very different directions. Tom Eng continues our series on Philip Yancey's book "The Jesus I Never Knew" as he examines the two destinies of Judas and Peter.

Questions for Discussion
- What qualities set Judas and Peter apart?
- What do you think motivated Judas to betray Jesus?
- Do we all have the potential to be a Judas?
- What kept Peter from spiritual disaster?

Slowing Down Time

Have you ever felt as though time was slowing down or standing still? Sometimes when we experience a crisis, this phenomenon can occur. In the Gospel accounts leading up to Jesus' death, we find a similar kind of 'slowing down'. This week Eugene Huo continues the series on Philip Yancey's book "The Jesus I Never Knew" with some snapshots of those final days with Jesus.

Questions for Discussion

- In what unexpected ways have you seen God at work?
- In what ways has death affected your appreciation of life?
- How can we 'wash each other's feet' in our world today?
- Has Jesus' example of love affected how you relate to others around you?

Communicate Grace

Continuing the series of messages based on Philip Yancey's Book "The Jesus I Never Knew", this week Tom Eng speaks about the need for and the ways in which we communicate grace to others.

Questions for Discussion
- What individuals or groups were considered "outcasts" in the Bible?
- What individuals or groups are sometimes considered "outcasts" in our world today?
- How did Jesus communicate God's grace?
- Although sinners felt comfortable with Jesus, do you think He felt uncomfortable around them?
- Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable around unchurched people? Do you think they feel uncomfortable around you?
- Who are the people who need God's grace in your life? How can you communicate God's grace to them?

Does Jesus demand perfection?

Matthew 5:48 reads: "But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. "

Does Jesus really ask us to be perfect? Find out in this week's message as we continue our series on "The Jesus I Never Knew" by Philip Yancey.

Questions for Discussion:

- Does the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) have anything to say to us today?
- What does the Sermon on the Mount teach us about God?
- How do we maintain high ideals while offering a safety net of grace?
- How does the Sermon on the Mount apply in today's settings?
- It's much easier to study God's laws and tell others to obey them than to put them into practice. How are you doing at obeying God?
- When do you keep God's rules but close your eyes to his intent?

Beatitudes: Lucky are the Unlucky

This week, Rev. Peter Ma from our sister church, Celebration Church in North York, continues our series based on Philip Yancey's book, "The Jesus I Never Knew" with a look at the Beatitudes.

Questions for Discussion

- In the past, what has been your response to the Beatitudes?
- Why is the message of Jesus so difficult for us to grasp?
- What new insights can we gain if we look at the Beatitudes in a new way?
- What feelings/experiences have you had as you studied the Beatitudes in the past?
- Are these words of Jesus just nice phrases that sound good but have no practical relevance?
- What new attitude or action can you adopt as a result of studying the Beatitudes?

What's so special about Jesus?

Continuing our series on Philip Yancey's book, "The Jesus I Never Knew", Tom Eng looks at what we know about Jesus, and what made Him so special.

Questions for Discussion

- What opinions about Jesus have you heard from your friends, coworkers, and family members?
- What impressions do you have of Jesus' physical attributes, personality, and ministry?
- When in your life did you form these impressions?
- What emotions did Jesus display?
- How would you describe Jesus' personality?
- What characteristics of Jesus stand out?
- What does the Bible tell us about Jesus' message and ministry?
- What made Jesus so compelling to people?
- How could a poor, carpenter's son make such an impact on history?