Letter to the Congregation - Next Steps
/Dear Friends and Members of CPC;
As you know, the Rev. Tom Eng will be completing his work at Chinese Presbyterian Church (CPC) upon his retirement at the end of July 2019.
In the Presbyterian Church in Canada, when a minister resigns or retires, another minister is appointed by the Presbytery as an “Interim Moderator” to work with the congregation until a new minister is called. In May 2019, the Presbytery of East Toronto appointed the Rev. Dr. William Ingram, who is the minister at St. Andrew’s Church (King St.) as the interim Moderator. Rev. Ingram has already had an opportunity to meet with the elders on the CPC Session, with Rev. Dr. Tom Eng, with Rev. Hilkka Aavalsalmi, and with the Search Committee, and is looking forward to working with the congregation. Rev. Ingram can be contacted by email at will.ingram@standrewstoronto.org or by phone at 416-593-5600 (church) or 416-573- 2053 (cellphone).
The responsibilities of the Interim Moderator include:
to provide leadership and guidance to the congregation while they conduct a search for a new minister,
to work with the elders in the care of the congregation during the vacancy;
to ensure that worship services are arranged and that pastoral care is provided
during the transition time;
to work with a congregational “Search Committee” to receive applications,
conduct interviews
to make a recommendation to the Session and the congregation about the
candidate who should be invited to preach for the call and become the next minister.
The members of the Search Committee are:
Bill Mak (Cantonese Service)
Helen Chong (Board member)
Jackie Huo (English Service)
James Chan (Cornerstone; non-voting)
Kai Leung (Elder)
Mike Kam (Board member)
Pi-Yu Cheung (Elder)
Steve Kwong (Elder)
Tony Lai (English Service)
Victor Ling (Chinese YMCI)
Winston Ling (Elder)
After Rev. Eng’s retirement, a congregational survey will be distributed to all of the members and adherents at Chinese Presbyterian Church in late August or September. This survey will be helpful for the Search Committee in discerning the congregation’s perspectives, and will contribute to the Search Committee’s ability to seek candidates who will best serve the present and future needs of CPC. Please complete the survey when you receive it – the input and insights of everyone will be greatly valued and welcome.
Many congregations experience times of ministerial vacancy as important turning points in their community. We encourage you, during these coming months of transition:
to give prayerful thanks for the ministry of the Rev. Tom Eng and to pray for Rev. Eng and his family as they move into a new chapter of their lives;
to pray for the elders, the Interim Moderator, and the Search Committee as they undertake their important roles and responsibilities;
to pray for the minister who will be called to serve at Chinese Presbyterian Church;
to renew your commitment to the life, work and worship of CPC, and in so doing provide encouragement and support to those who will be serving during this transition.
While it is not possible to accurately predict when the next minister will be called and inducted at Chinese Presbyterian Church, the Interim Moderator, the Session and the Search Committee will provide updates to the congregation about the process that is taking place.
We look forward to an exciting time as we move into the future that God has prepared for us!
In Christ’s service,