Sunday September 12th, 2021 - Rev. Alan Goh

This Sunday @ 11:00 AM
"When it just doesn't make sense!"
Matthew 14, Mark 6, John 6
Rev. Dr. Alan Goh

The Order of Service including Readings, Prayers, Announcements and Children's Activity Pages can be downloaded here.



New Start Times for Sunday Service Starting Sept. 19th

10:00am - Cantonese Service
11:30am - English Service

In-Person Cantonese Service - Sept. 19th

At present time, the government continues to allow churches to reopen for in-person worship with strict guidelines including the use of an electrostatic sprayer to disinfect the Sanctuary. CPC’s Health & Safety Team reaffirms our commitment to re-opening for in-person service beginning with Cantonese Service next Sunday (Sept. 19th). Online and phone in participation for Cantonese Service will continue to be availlable.

In-Person English Service - Sept. 26th

In-person English Service begins on Sept. 26th in the Sanctuary. An online livestream of English Service will be available. Details on how to sign-up for in-person English Service TBA. Children's Sunday School will follow at a later date. Please continue to pray and work with us as we prepare to return to in-person worship!