CPC Sunday March 20 2022 - Rev. Alan Goh

The Third Sunday in Lent @ 11:30 AM
"Carrying the Cross"
Matthew 27:32-36, Mark 15:21-25, Luke 23:26
Rev. Alan Goh

The Order of Service including Readings, Prayers, Announcements and Children's Activity Pages can be downloaded here.

CPC In-Person Worship This Sunday, March 20th

Both Chinese and English services will return to in-person worship this Sunday. The following 2-step health and safety protocols are in effect:
Step 1: Starting Sunday March 20 - pre-registration required. Details in Bulletin.
Step 2: To be determined (protocols will be reviewed in April)

Register for In-Person English Service:
www.eventbrite.ca Toronto Chinese Presbyterian Church (CPC)11:30AM Sunday Service
Join our online livestream of the service, https://torontocpc.online.church/