Connect with us

Well, it's 2014, and we're well into our new year here at Chinese Presbyterian Church. I just wanted to let you know the various ways you can get connected with us.

We have a Google+ page where you'll find the latest sermon videos, a facebook page, and we're also on twitter @torontocpc. Leave us a like or a +1 if something resonates with you.

Of course you'll still be able to get announcements and more detailed information about our church here at

Thanks for visiting, and we hope that we can journey togther with you!


Well, things are coming along with the blog here! We've got a few new podcasts available, with more on the way starting at the most recent and working our way back. We're targeting a Thanksgiving weekend launch date, so at that time you'll probably notice that this will be the main page for

"Under Construction" static page no more! :)

Thanks for hanging in there with us, and we hope you join us in the conversation!