A Thank-You from David Lewis and Global Vision

On behalf of Global Vision and all the third world people who receive donated eyeglasses I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and generosity in supporting this project. Without the Christian compassion displayed by people such as the congregation of the Chinese Presbyterian Church, a project such as Global Vision could not experience the success we have witnessed.

Let me share an email from a worker in Kenya: “The eyeglass giving day was a blessing to many. In fact, the turnout was more than what we expected. Can you imagine 200 people turned out and only those who came early were given glasses and the rest prayed for. We witnessed the love of Christ to many people and 72 people gave their lives to Jesus.”

Go Crusaders!

CPC Crusaders

Our softball team, Crusaders, began their season with the Chinese Christian Softball Association (CCSA) this year with a bang! They won both their first two games in a double header on Sunday.

We hope that you'll come out and cheer them on this summer! It's a great opportunity to encourage community, teamwork and fellowship in the church.

Their games have been added to our church calendar under Gathering > Upcoming Events. They are also listed below along with photos from their first games (courtesy of Dean Bush & Dickie Lee).

Go Crusaders!

Upcoming Games

Saturday, May 31, 2pm - Knights vs. Crusaders, Warden Park

Sunday, June 8, 6pm - Crusaders vs. Ambassadors, Warden Park

Saturday, June 14, 4pm - Crusaders vs. Disciples, Wigmore Park

Saturday, June 14, 6pm - Apostles vs. Crusaders, Wigmore Park

Saturday, June 21, 2pm - Crusaders vs. Aliens, Warden Park

Sunday, June 29, 4pm - Sword of the Spirit vs. Crusaders, Warden Park

Saturday, August 2, 2pm - Crusaders vs. Revive, Warden Park

Saturday, August 2, 4pm - SOCS vs. Crusaders, Warden Park

Crusaders on the Bench

Crusaders\' Loyal Fans

End of their first game

Derrick Pitching

Paul Pointing

How May I Serve You?

You may have noticed that our English Service elders are now wearing name tags with the phrase "How May I Serve You?" on it. This is to help congregation members clearly identify leaders in our church and know who to go to if they need anything.

So, if you have any questions about TCPC and it's various ministries, need prayer support or just want to chat, drop by the Welcome Centre* at the back of the gym. Our elders will be there every Sunday after church to help you in any way that they can.

*a great place for coffee, tea, goodies & fellowship every Sunday morning!

2008/09 Board of Managers

As announced at our Annual General Meeting a few weeks ago, we would like to welcome our Board of Managers for the 2008/09 year:

  • Ben Lee

  • Bill Mak, Vice-Chair

  • Bill T Wong, Co-Chair

  • Brian Li

  • Daniel Cheung

  • Derrick Mark

  • James Lee

  • Jean Wong

  • Joanne Yu

  • Kai Leung

  • Karen Liu

  • Karina Ling

  • Kira Wu

  • Lillian Mizutani

  • Lydia Young

  • Mabel Mark

  • Miranda Zhang, Treasurer

  • Nicole Lau, Secretary

  • Rosita Li

  • Steve Chong, Co-Chair

  • Susanna Chiu

  • Suzanna Tsang

Thanks to all of them for their dedication and commitment to CPC. Looking forward to an exciting year ahead!